C S E C The Commercial Sexual
Exploitation of Children In the early years of the 21st Century, 2000 to
2025 gvnet.com/childprostitution/Spain.htm
CAUTION: The following links
and accompanying text have been culled from the web to illuminate the
situation in HOW TO USE THIS WEBPAGE Students If you are looking
for material to use in a term-paper, you are advised to scan the postings on
this page and others to see which aspects of child prostitution are of
particular interest to you. You might
be interested in exploring how children got started, how they survive, and
how some succeed in leaving. Perhaps
your paper could focus on runaways and the abuse that led to their
leaving. Other factors of interest
might be poverty, rejection, drug dependence, coercion, violence, addiction,
hunger, neglect, etc. On the other
hand, you might choose to write about the manipulative and dangerous adults
who control this activity. There is a
lot to the subject of Child Prostitution.
Scan other countries as well as this one. Draw comparisons between activity in
adjacent countries and/or regions.
Meanwhile, check out some of the Term-Paper resources
that are available on-line. Teachers Check out some of
the Resources
for Teachers attached to this website. HELP for Victims Ministry of Labor and Immigration ***
Overview - Country Report www.ecpat.net/eng/ecpat_inter/Country/CSECOverview/Spain.html [Last access date
unavailable] In recent years the
Spanish Government has started showing more attention to the problem of
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. Cases of organized trafficking of
women and girls for sexual exploitation and numerous investigations of child
pornography networks with links in the country through Internet have put
pressure on the Government to take action, in cooperation with local and
international NGOs as well as with other European governments. ***
Monitoring Report [PDF] Kristal Pineros, ECPAT International, 2012 www.ecpat.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/A4A_V2_EU_SPAIN.pdf [accessed 8
September 2020] [SPANISH] Desk review of
existing information on the sexual exploitation of children (SEC) in Spain.
The report looks at protection mechanisms, responses, preventive measures,
child and youth participation in fighting SEC, and makes recommendations for
action against SEC. Human
Rights Reports » 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices U.S. Dept of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and
Labor, March 10, 2020 www.state.gov/reports/2019-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/spain/ [accessed 8
September 2020] SEXUAL
EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN - The law criminalizes the “abuse and sexual attack of
minors” younger than age 13 and sets the penalty at imprisonment from two to
15 years, depending on the nature of the crime. Individuals who contact
children younger than age 13 through the internet for the purpose of sexual
exploitation face imprisonment for one to three years. Authorities enforced
the law. The minimum age for
consensual sex in the country is 16. The law defines sexual acts committed
against persons younger than age 16 as nonconsensual sexual abuse and
provides for sentences from two to 15 years in prison, depending on the
circumstances. The penalty for
recruiting children or persons with disabilities into prostitution is
imprisonment from one to five years. The penalty for subjecting children to
prostitution is imprisonment from four to six years. The commercial
sexual exploitation of trafficked teenage girls remained a problem (see also
the Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report at
https://www.state.gov/trafficking-in-persons-report/). The law prohibits
using a minor “to prepare any type of pornographic material” as well as
producing, selling, distributing, displaying, or facilitating the production,
sale, dissemination, or exhibition of “any type” of child pornography by “any
means.” The penalty is one to five years’ imprisonment; if the child is
younger than age of 13, the length of imprisonment is five to nine years. The
law also penalizes knowingly possessing child pornography. There is a registry
for sex offenders to bar them from activities in which they could be in the
presence of minors. Concluding
Observations Of The Committee On The Rights Of The Child (CRC) UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child, 7 June 2002 www1.umn.edu/humanrts/crc/spain2002.html [accessed 24
December 2010] [48] The Committee
expresses its concern at reports of child prostitution in the suburbs of
large cities and in holiday resorts, involving vulnerable children living on
the fringes of society. 10% of the Spanish
know cases of child sex tourism Euskal Irrati
Telebista (Basque Radio-television) EITB upgrade69new.bnvillage.co.uk/showthread.php?t=86730 [accessed 24 July
2011] [scroll down to #23] One out of ten
Spanish citizens knows or has heard someone of his surroundings say that he
has had sex relations with children during a trip to developing countries,
according to the report "Sexual exploitation of children during travels,"
unveiled Wednesday by UNICEF. The profile of this
kind of people, according to UNICEF, is not that of a pederast, but of an
"occasional sexual abuser," more exactly a man aged between 40 and
60 who is in search of adult prostitution and ends up having sex with a
child. The main sex tourism destinations are the Caribbean Islands and
Central America, UNICEF said. Five Years After ECPAT: Fifth Report
on implementation of the Agenda for Action ECPAT International,
November 2001 www.no-trafficking.org/content/web/05reading_rooms/five_years_after_stockholm.pdf [accessed 13
September 2011] [B]
by Special Rapporteur [DOC] U.N. Economic and
Social Council, Commission on Human Rights, Fifty ninth session, 6 January
2003 www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/0/217511d4440fc9d6c1256cda003c3a00/$FILE/G0310090.doc [accessed 18
September 2011] [66] The Penal Code
criminalizes the authors and the accomplices of those who sell and traffic
children, and who induce or facilitate the involvement of children in
prostitution and pornography. Law 5/2000 regulates the legal
responsibility of children aged between 14 and 18 who are involved in the
commission of offences covered by the Penal Code, as well as describing the
special measures in the judicial process to which juvenile delinquents are
entitled. Concerning aggression and
sexual abuse, the Penal Code provides for harsher penalties when the victim
is under 13. Spanish police have
broken up a gang of Romanian human traffickers Siskind's Immigration
Bulletin www.andalucia.co.uk/channels/html/news/news_in_spain_and_europe_1336.html [accessed 4
September 2014] INTERNATIONAL
- Spanish police have broken up a gang of Romanian human traffickers who were
faking identity documents and credit cards. Twenty-two people have been
arrested, the majority of them Romanians.
The gang specialized in bringing Romanian women, often under-age
girls, to FG Smashes Human
Trafficking Syndicate Kingsley Newzeh & Iyefu Adoba, This Day, www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-127782432/fg-smashes-human-trafficking.html [accessed 24 June
2013] The Executive
Secretary said, from evidence uncovered so far, investigators suspect that
they may be keeping at least 20 young Nigerian girls in sexual slavery in ECPAT Spain
launches a new Campaign Against CSEC ECPAT International At one time this
article had been archived and may possibly still be accessible [here] [accessed 24 July
2011] A campaign has been
launched in Leticia Robles de la
www.cronica.com.mx/nota.php?id_nota=208126 [accessed 24 July
2011] Spanish: Las niñas mexicanas vírgenes de 12 años, por ejemplo, son vendidas a los burdeles españoles en 25 mil dólares, pero si se trata
de pequeñas indígenas bellas, el precio aumenta, pues los "clientes" las cotizan como un atractivo adicional. English:
"Twelve-year-old virgin Mexican girls, for example, are sold to brothels
Human Rights
Reports » 2005 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2009-2017.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/2005/61676.htm [accessed 11
February 2020] CHILDREN
Child prostitution occurred.
Trafficking in teenage girls for the purpose of sexual exploitation
was a problem. TRAFFICKING
- The country was both a destination and transit country for trafficked
persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation (most frequently involving
forced prostitution and work in
nude dancing clubs) and, to a lesser degree, forced labor (primarily
agriculture, construction, and domestic employment). Trafficked women were
usually 18 to 30 years of age, but some girls were as young as age 16. All
material used herein reproduced under the fair use exception of 17 USC § 107
for noncommercial, nonprofit, and educational use. PLEASE RESPECT COPYRIGHTS OF COMPONENT
ARTICLES. Cite this webpage as: Patt,
Prof. Martin, "Child Prostitution - |