Top On-line Resources

To help you with your Term Paper on

Child Prostitution



On-line Resource


Child Prostitution

A country-by-country compilation of links to published articles concerning the commercial sexual exploitation of children.  A student writing a term paper related to CP could use a search engine to compile a similar list by himself - but to do that, he would have to work his way through tens of thousands of links that are not helpful.

Poverty & Hunger

Poverty sometimes drives children to trust and to take chances that may lead to drug addiction and entrapment.  The impact on their personal well-being and on the lives of their families is tragic.  Learning about poverty provides background to the victimization of prostitution.


ECPAT is a network of organizations and individuals working together to eliminate the commercial sexual exploitation of children.  It seeks to encourage the world community to ensure that children everywhere enjoy their fundamental rights free from all forms of commercial sexual exploitation.

The Terre des Hommes International Federation

The Terre des Hommes International Federation is an international children rights organization with special field: activities to prevent children from commercial sexual exploitation, worldwide.

Action to End Exploitation

Action to End Exploitation is a non-religious, non-partisan Canadian based organization working mainly in Vietnam & Cambodia in the field of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.  Its mission is to improve the lives of women and children who have been exploited, or who represent a high risk for exploitation by the commercial sex industry, focusing on empowering women, supporting development, and improving the lives of victims.

Lecture Resources

Published articles that may prove useful when preparing lectures and informative talks intended for youth and for the general public.  They were culled from Prof Patt's Human Trafficking Lecture-Resources page.