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In the early years of the 21st Century

Description: Description: Description: Honduras

CAUTION:  The following links and accompanying text have been culled from the web to illuminate the situation in Honduras in the early years of the 21st Century.  Some of these links may lead to websites that present allegations that are unsubstantiated, misleading or even false.   No attempt has been made to validate their authenticity or to verify their content.



If you are looking for material to use in a term-paper, you are advised to scan the postings on this page and others to see which aspects of poverty are of particular interest to you.  You might be interested in exploring the relationship between distribution of labor and per-capita GDP, for example.  Perhaps your paper could focus on life expectancy or infant mortality.  Other factors of interest might be unemployment, literacy, access to basic services, etc.  On the other hand, you might choose to include some of the possible outgrowths of poverty such as Human Trafficking, Street Children, or even Prostitution.  There is a lot to the subject of Poverty.  Scan other countries as well as this one.  Draw comparisons between activity in adjacent countries and/or regions.  Meanwhile, check out some of the Term-Paper resources that are available on-line.


Check out some of the Resources for Teachers attached to this website.

*** Extreme Weather ***

In Honduras, extreme weather events have become a familiar reality for its vulnerable communities. Honduras is characterized by its rugged terrain, dense forests, and coastal lowlands. Unfortunately, these very features make it highly susceptible to extreme weather events like droughts, heatwaves, storms, and floods. These events are expected to increase in intensity due to global heating. Rising sea levels, stronger tides, and more frequent extreme weather events have become a harsh reality. – adapted from Microsoft BING Copilot

World Bank Climate & Develoment Reports

Honduras Country Climate and Development Report, World Bank Group, 16 May 2023

[accessed 11 Dec 2024]

Honduras is highly vulnerable to extreme natural hazards, which are expected to increase because of climate change. These will have significant consequences for all of Honduran society, affecting important economic sectors and threatening food and water security and human health. The impacts of climate change are expected to disproportionately affect the poorest and most vulnerable, such as indigenous peoples and afrodescendants (IPADs) and women. These impacts will likely compound existing challenges such as migration, internal displacement, and land conflicts and insecurity. Even though Honduras’s contribution to global emissions is significantly low, the country has opportunities to pursue lowcarbon development that will create cobenefits and foster synergies with climate change adaptation, particularly in the agriculture, water, forestry, energy, and transport sector.


*** ARCHIVES ***

The World Factbook - Honduras

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency CIA

[accessed 29 December 2020]

World Factbook website has moved to --->

[accessed 5 January 2021]

Honduras, the second poorest country in Central America, suffers from extraordinarily unequal distribution of income, as well as high underemployment. While historically dependent on the export of bananas and coffee, Honduras has diversified its export base to include apparel and automobile wire harnessing.

GDP - per capita (PPP): $5,600 (2017 est.)

Labor force - by occupation:

agriculture: 39.2%

industry: 20.9%

services: 39.8% (2005 est.)

Unemployment rate: 5.6% (2017 est.)

Population below poverty line: 29.6% (2014 est.)

Maternal mortality rate: 65 deaths/100,000 live births (2017 est.)

Infant mortality rate: total: 14.6 deaths/1,000 live births

Life expectancy at birth: total population: 74.6 years

Drinking water source: improved: total: 94.8% of population

Physicians density: 0.31 physicians/1,000 population (2017)

Sanitation facility access: improved: total: 90.2% of population

Electricity access: electrification - total population: 87.6% (2016)

The Borgen Project - Honduras

[accessed 6 February 2021]

The Borgen Project works with U.S. leaders to utilize the United States’ platform behind efforts toward improving living conditions for the world’s poor.  It is an innovative, national campaign that is working to make poverty a focus of U.S. foreign policy.  It believes that leaders of the most powerful nation on earth should be doing more to address global poverty. From ending segregation to providing women with the right to vote, nearly every wrong ever righted in history was achieved through advocacy. The Borgen Project addresses the big picture, operating at the political level advancing policies and programs that improve living conditions for those living on less than $1 per day.

~ Addressing Child Poverty In Honduras

~ Child Homelessness In Honduras

~ A Nonprofit To Know: The Work Of Global Pearls

~ Homelessness In Honduras On The Rise

Uninhabitable: Central America’s Northern Triangle And Beyond

Larry J. Schweiger, Pittsburgh Current, 19 March 2021

[accessed 20 March 2021]

Just as the Irish did during the potato famine, Central American parents are doing the hard thing out of fear. Facing systemic corruption, hopelessly struggling in an increasingly hostile climate with deadly gangs, these parents are sending offspring on a dangerous journey to America. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas summarized conditions: “Poverty, high levels of violence, and corruption in Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries have propelled migration to our southwest border for years. The adverse conditions have continued to deteriorate. Two damaging hurricanes that hit Honduras and swept through the region made the living conditions there even worse, causing more children and families to flee.

Nothern Triangle

The World Bank in Honduras

[accessed 19 April 2021]

During recent years, Honduras has registered the second highest economic growth rates in Central America, only behind Panama and well above the average in Latin America and the Caribbean. However, the country faces high levels of poverty and inequality.

Looking back a few years

Advameg, Inc., Encyclopedia of the Nations

[accessed 29 December 2020]

Honduras is one of the poorest and least developed countries in Latin America. The economy has been based mostly on agriculture, and over a third of the labor force in 2001 were still involved in this sector. However, agriculture's contribution to the overall GDP fell from 27% in 1998 to 18% in 2000 mainly due to the damage done to export crops by Hurricane Mitch in October 1998. About 16% of the land is arable, located mostly along the coastal plains. Coffee and bananas account for 65% of total Honduran export revenues. The vast majority of banana holdings are controlled by two US companies, United Brands and Standard Fruit, and most other profitable agricultural enterprises are owned by a small number of private citizens.

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