C S E C The Commercial Sexual
Exploitation of Children In the early years of the 21st Century, 2000 to
2025 gvnet.com/childprostitution/EquatorialGuinea.htm
CAUTION: The following links
and accompanying text have been culled from the web to illuminate the
situation in HOW TO USE THIS WEBPAGE Students If you are looking for
material to use in a term-paper, you are advised to scan the postings on this
page and others to see which aspects of child prostitution are of particular
interest to you. You might be
interested in exploring how children got started, how they survive, and how
some succeed in leaving. Perhaps your
paper could focus on runaways and the abuse that led to their leaving. Other factors of interest might be poverty,
rejection, drug dependence, coercion, violence, addiction, hunger, neglect,
etc. On the other hand, you might
choose to write about the manipulative and dangerous adults who control this
activity. There is a lot to the
subject of Child Prostitution. Scan
other countries as well as this one.
Draw comparisons between activity in adjacent countries and/or
regions. Meanwhile, check out some of
the Term-Paper
resources that are available on-line. Teachers Check out some of
the Resources
for Teachers attached to this website. ***
FEATURED ARTICLE *** Prostitution Booms
In Anatalón Okué
Oyono, afrol News (African
News Agency), 12 October 2000 www.afrol.com/News/eqg013_prostitution.htm [accessed 11 May
2011] According to the
Equatorial Guinean opposition, the lack of educational infrastructure,
deficiencies in the existing school system and the absence of
an economic future cause youngsters to fall into prostitution, where
money can be made quickly. Furthermore, many of the girls between 15 and 20
pass their exams by giving sexual services or by paying their teachers. ***
ARCHIVES *** The Department of Labor’s 2004 Findings on
the Worst Forms of Child Labor www.dol.gov/ilab/media/reports/iclp/tda2004/equatorial-guinea.htm [accessed 3 February
2011] Note:: Also check out this country’s report in the more recent edition DOL
Worst Forms of Child Labor INCIDENCE
AND NATURE OF CHILD LABOR - The ILO estimated that 31.3 percent of children ages
10 to 14 years in Human Rights
Reports » 2005 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices U.S. Dept of State
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, March 8, 2006 2009-2017.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/2005/61567.htm [accessed 8 February
2020] CHILDREN - Children suffered poor health and had a high mortality rate. The government provided very little health care, but boys and girls have equal access to what was offered. Child abuse is illegal, but the government did not enforce the law effectively. Child abuse occurred. Child prostitution existed but was rare. Concluding
Observations Of The Committee On The Rights Of The Child (CRC) UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child, 3 November 2004 www1.umn.edu/humanrts/crc/guinea2004.html [accessed 3 February
2011] [58] The Committee
is concerned at the growing number of child prostitutes in the streets of the
State party’s capital. It is also concerned that the State party’s report
lacks specific data on sexual exploitation and trafficking of children and
information on legislation on sexual exploitation. www.againstsexualexploitation.org/news/?sec=crc-op1&lang=all&nav=&id=2005/06/29/10&iwithSession =fa511d42929534855d2d224e4c1244b4 [access date
unavailable] SEXUAL TRAFFICKING - The Committee
noted that sexual violence and trafficking has been reported in Child Labor
Increasing in Equatorial Guinea afrol News (African News
Agency), 21 November 2000 At one time this
article had been archived and may possibly still be accessible [here] [accessed 13 June
2013] The crisis in the
educational sector is said to be the single most important reason behind the
worrying increase of prostitution and alcohol consumption by school age juveniles
in the country. The daily newspaper in an article earlier this year pointed
out that, the youngsters whom they had consulted justified their actions
because there was a lack of necessary economic means to survive. According to
the same newspaper, "sex has turned into the principal trade of the
youth". Report on the human
rights situation in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea submitted by the
Special Representative of the Commission, Mr. Gustavo Gallón,
pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 2001/22 [DOC] UN Economic and
Social Council Commission on Human Rights, Fifty-eighth session, 24 January
2002 www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/0/eb054f2cbdc21564c1256b960051ef68/$FILE/G0210339.doc [accessed 11 May
2011] [79] The Minister
of Health and the Minister of Social Affairs admitted to the Special
Representative that there has a been a marked increase in the presence of
child prostitutes in the streets of the capital as a result of the arrival of
growing numbers of foreigners who work on the drilling platforms. The Protection
Project - The www.protectionproject.org/human_rights_reports/report_documents/equatorial.doc [accessed 2009] GOVERNMENT RESPONSES
- Prostitution
has been banned on the streets of All
material used herein reproduced under the fair use exception of 17 USC § 107
for noncommercial, nonprofit, and educational use. PLEASE RESPECT COPYRIGHTS OF COMPONENT
ARTICLES. Cite this webpage as: Patt,
Prof. Martin, "Child Prostitution – |