C S E C The Commercial Sexual
Exploitation of Children In the early years of the 21st Century, 2000 to
2025 gvnet.com/childprostitution/Argentina.htm
CAUTION: The following links and
accompanying text have been culled from the web to illuminate the situation
in Argentina. Some of these links may
lead to websites that present allegations that are unsubstantiated,
misleading or even false. No attempt
has been made to validate their authenticity or to verify their content. HOW TO USE THIS WEBPAGE Students If you are looking
for material to use in a term-paper, you are advised to scan the postings on
this page and others to see which aspects of child prostitution are of
particular interest to you. You might
be interested in exploring how children got started, how they survive, and
how some succeed in leaving. Perhaps
your paper could focus on runaways and the abuse that led to their
leaving. Other factors of interest
might be poverty, rejection, drug dependence, coercion, violence, addiction,
hunger, neglect, etc. On the other
hand, you might choose to write about the manipulative and dangerous adults
who control this activity. There is a
lot to the subject of Child Prostitution. Scan other countries as well as this
one. Draw comparisons between activity
in adjacent countries and/or regions.
Meanwhile, check out some of the Term-Paper resources
that are available on-line. Teachers Check out some of
the Resources
for Teachers attached to this website. ***
FEATURED ARTICLES *** The Protection
Project - Argentina [DOC] The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS),
The Johns Hopkins University www.protectionproject.org/human_rights_reports/report_documents/argentina.doc [accessed 2009] FORMS OF TRAFFICKING - Along the border between Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, young prostituted children and adolescents can be seen on the streets of towns such as Puerto Iguazu (Argentina), Foz do Iguazu (Brazil), and Ciudad del Este (Paraguay), and Puerto Iguazu (Argentina). In the region, close to 3,500 children below18 years of age are estimated to be victims of commercial sexual exploitation. Report on the Worst
Forms of Child Labour Compiled by the Global March Against Child Labour [PDF] The Global March
Against Child Labour Resource Centre, 20 September 2004 beta.globalmarch.org/resourcecentre/world/argentina.pdf [accessed 11
September 2012] CHILD PROSTITUTION - The number of prostituted children is reported to be increasing at an alarming rate and their average age is decreasing. Argentina has a well-documented child sex trade related to the thriving sex-tourism sector. Argentina is one of the favored destinations of pedophile sex tourists from Europe and the United States. ***
ARCHIVES *** ECPAT Report on the
scale, scope and context of the sexual exploitation of children [PDF] ECPAT International,
2014 www.ecpat.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/CMR_ARGENTINA_FINAL_0.pdf [accessed 26 August
2020] [SPANISH] Desk review of
existing information on the sexual exploitation of children (SEC) in
Argentina. The report looks at protection mechanisms, responses, preventive
measures, child and youth participation in fighting SEC, and makes
recommendations for action against SEC. Human
Rights Reports » 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices U.S. Dept of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and
Labor, March 10, 2020 www.state.gov/reports/2019-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/argentina/ [accessed 23 August
2020] SEXUAL
EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN - The law prohibits the commercial sexual exploitation
of children and the sale, offering, or procuring of children for
prostitution. Authorities generally enforced the law; however, sexual
exploitation of children, including in prostitution, was a problem. The
minimum age of consensual sex is 13, but there are heightened protections for
persons ages 13 to 16. A statutory rape law provides for penalties ranging
from six months to 20 years in prison, depending on the age of the victim and
other factors. In August a trial began
for two priests and two nuns arrested in September 2018 for sexual abuse of
minors. The accused worked at a group of schools for hearing-impaired
children, the Antonio Provolo Institutes; a
reported 67 students claimed abuses between 1983 and 2002. One of the
accused, Nicola Corradi, had previously been found
guilty of abuse while working at a school in Verona, Italy, his country of
origin. On November 25, a court in Mendoza found Corradi
and Horacio Corbacho guilty of child sexual abuse
and sentenced them to 42 and 45 years in prison, respectively. Armando Gomez,
a former school gardener, received an 18-year sentence. The law prohibits
the production and distribution of child pornography, with penalties ranging
from six months to four years in prison. Following a multiyear effort,
Congress amended the criminal code in 2018 to make the possession of child
pornography a criminal offense. During the year
prosecutors from the nationwide Point of Contact Network against Child
Pornography on the Internet pursued cases of internet child pornography. The
network reported improvements on the national level in the ability to punish
offenders. The City of Buenos Aires Public Ministry’s Judicial Investigative
Bureau served as the primary point of contact for receiving and distributing
child pornography leads from the National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children to prosecutors and police forces across the country. On September 12,
local authorities arrested a 71-year-old former policeman for involvement in
a network of child pornography that victimized an estimated 1,200 children
between four months and 14 years old since 2003. The man posed as a producer
of youth television to lure his victims. 2018 Findings on
the Worst Forms of Child Labor Office of Child Labor,
Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking, Bureau of International Labor Affairs,
US Dept of Labor, 2019 www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/ILAB/child_labor_reports/tda2018/ChildLaborReportBook.pdf [accessed 22 August
2020] Note:: Also check out this country’s report in the more recent edition DOL
Worst Forms of Child Labor [page 145] Although the extent
of the problem is unknown, reports indicate that girls from Argentina’s
Northern provinces are victims of human trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation.
(1,45) Bolivian children and children of Bolivian immigrants in Argentina
engage in child labor in agriculture, production of bricks, and domestic
service, and in forced child labor in the production of garments. (1,12,17,34,39,46) Reports also indicate that Paraguayan
children are victims of human trafficking for the purpose of commercial
sexual exploitation in Argentina. (1,40,47) Concluding
Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child, April 10, 2002 sim.law.uu.nl/SIM/CaseLaw/uncom.nsf/0/3567bf5c062c819e41256c5d0043aa0b?OpenDocument [accessed 19 January
2011] [60] The Committee is
concerned that the phenomenon of child prostitution, especially in big
cities, is increasing. It further notes that, although a National Plan of
Action to Combat Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children was adopted in
2000, coordinated policies and programs on this issue have yet to be
formulated. Five Years After
Stockholm [PDF] ECPAT: Fifth Report
on implementation of the Agenda for Action [DOC] ECPAT International,
November 2001 www.no-trafficking.org/content/web/05reading_rooms/five_years_after_stockholm.pdf [accessed 13
September 2011] [B] COUNTRY UPDATES
– Argentina has developed a national plan of action against CSEC calling for
six main areas of action: awareness raising and prevention; information and
training; improving coordination through the strengthening of networks;
strengthening the ability of children and adolescents to recognize situations
where they are at risk of commercial sexual exploitation; legislation and
legal procedures; and research. Within each area of action, there are
specific objectives and activities. Report
by Special Rapporteur [DOC] U.N. Economic and
Social Council, Commission on Human Rights, Fifty ninth session, 6 January
2003 www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/0/217511d4440fc9d6c1256cda003c3a00/$FILE/G0310090.doc [accessed 29 March
2011] [27] Sale of
children, child prostitution and child pornography are criminalized under a
number of pieces of legislation that give effect to relevant international
obligations. The National Counsel for Children, Adolescents and
the Family implements a number of programs to assist children, including
programs aimed at the prevention of domestic violence, maltreatment and
sexual abuse of children; for the rehabilitation of victims; for the
provision of legal assistance to child victims and to those in conflict with
the law; to assist children to return home or to return to school, and
programs to assist parents to learn about their responsibilities. Report
On The Worst Forms Of Child Labour - 2005 The Global March
Against Child Labour, 2005 beta.globalmarch.org/worstformsreport/world/argentina.html [accessed 11
September 2012] MEET A CHILD - Fernanda Aguirre,
age 13, was kidnapped into forced prostitution in Argentina, in July 2004 in
San Benito, a town in the Northeastern province of Entre Rios. Fernanda's
mother has come across evidence that her daughter fell into the hands of a
prostitution ring. The kidnappers demanded a ransom of $600. Although the
ransom was paid, Fernanda never reappeared. CHILD PROSTITUTION - Child and
adolescent victims (of varying ages) of commercial sexual exploitation have
been found within overt spaces for commercial sex: streets, service stations,
plazas, and parks. Victims of CSEC
have also been found within covert spaces for commercial sex such as: saunas,
brothels, whiskey bars, massage parlours, etc, within each of the cities studied by UNICEF. Child Prostitution
in Argentina La Nación, May 13, 2001 At one time this
article had been archived and may possibly still be accessible [here] [accessed 13
September 2011] Research undertaken
for UNICEF Argentina has revealed an increase in the extent of child and
adolescent prostitution in the country. While quantitative data remains elusive,
the research concludes that the presence of young persons in the prostitution
‘circuit’ is not insignificant or merely isolated cases. Child
Prostitution Shadow Villanueva,
Founder, Darkness Against Child Abuse DACA www.magickalshadow.com/daca/chlidprostitution.html [accessed 29 March
2011] The Ashgate report also says Argentina has a well-documented
child sex trade related with the thriving sex-tourism sector. The CATW fact
book says Argentina is one of the favored destinations of pedophile sex tourists
from Europe and the United States. Regional
Governmental Congress on Sexual Exploitation of Children [PDF] María Orsenigo,
National Council of Childhood, Adolescence and Family www.iin.oas.org/Congreso%20Explotation%20Sexual/ARGENTINA_ing.PDF [accessed 19
November 2016]
The Department of Labor’s 2004 Findings on
the Worst Forms of Child Labor U.S. Dept of Labor Bureau of International Labor Affairs, 2005 www.dol.gov/ilab/media/reports/iclp/tda2004/argentina.htm [accessed 19 January
2011] Note:: Also check out this country’s report in the more recent edition DOL
Worst Forms of Child Labor INCIDENCE AND NATURE
- Children in Argentina are involved in prostitution and sex tourism, and
there are isolated reports of their involvement in pornography and drug
trafficking. Children are trafficked to Argentina from Bolivia, Brazil, and
Paraguay for sexual exploitation and labor. Argentine children are
trafficked from rural to urban areas of the country and there is some
trafficking of children abroad, mainly into prostitution in Brazil and
Paraguay. Human Rights
Reports » 2005 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices U.S. Dept of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and
Labor, March 8, 2006 2009-2017.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/2005/61713.htm [accessed 4 February
– [d] CONAETI worked with unions and other groups to train rural child labor
monitors, and with provincial authorities in the tri-border area with Brazil
and Paraguay to address child sexual exploitation. In 2004 congress
acknowledged that the country lacked sufficient inspectors and programs to
detect child labor or to rescue exploited children. All
material used herein reproduced under the fair use exception of 17 USC § 107
for noncommercial, nonprofit, and educational use. PLEASE RESPECT COPYRIGHTS OF COMPONENT
ARTICLES. Cite this webpage as: Patt,
Prof. Martin, "Child Prostitution - Argentina",
http://gvnet.com/childprostitution/ Argentina.htm, [accessed <date>] |