Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery

Resources for Teachers



Title – Human Trafficking & Modern Day Slavery - Introduction

Unit Topic: Sociology

Grade: 12 and above

Lesson Topic: The Extent of Human Trafficking in the World Today

Primary Method Used: Cooperative Learning

Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to:

1.      Identify the main purposes for which people are trafficked

2.      Discuss with 100% clarity the three-tier country-rating system

3.      Present examples of these concepts and how they occur in today's society

4.      Outline the main points for the countries assigned to their group

Equipment and Supplies Needed (for homework):

PC access to both the Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery website and to the Topical Research Digest:Human Rights And Contemporary Slavery.



Anticipatory Set: The anticipatory set for this lesson will begin with an introduction to slavery and forced labor [see Topical Research Digest], followed by a brief discussion of how the revelation of injustice can lead to social change.  The set will include an overview of how the U.S. State Department is striking a blow at Human Trafficking by publishing an annual resource report [] that rates countries according to their progress in fighting Human Trafficking.  The anticipatory set will serve to enforce the concept that social change can be accelerated when resources are provided and intelligent leadership is exercised.

Sequence of Learning Activities:

1.      Anticipatory set

2.      Break into groups – one group per geographic region

3.      Discuss the objectives of this group project. Design grading rubric

4.      Assign sections of responsibility to each group

Assignments: Each group will receive a specific list of countries from the Human Trafficking website as their area of responsibility.  Each group will receive two days to work together in order to present the results of their assigned research to the rest of the class.  Each group will, during their presentation, cover Lesson Objectives 1, 3, & 4 (above) for their assigned countries, and suggest possible action plans.

Closure: The lesson will conclude with each group being graded during their presentations according to the rubric designed in class.