What is Human Trafficking and what is modern day slavery?  HT and contemporary slavery include debt bondage, serfdom, forced labor, forced marriage, transferring of wives, inheritance of wives, and transfer of a child for purposes of exploitation.  Also forced prostitution, child prostitution, sale of children, and trafficking in children.

CSEC -- The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Peer Review


In 2018, Merlot published a peer-review of the CSEC website.  The review was favorable and its use at the undergraduate college level was recommended …

Instructors can access lesson plans, discussion questions, debate topic, anecdotes, graphics/images, and lecture resources.  Students can access resources for term papers on specific topics.  The site could be incorporated into a guided internet assignment for students.

The major concern, repeated several times, was that the website was not being updated.  This concern has been addressed and the updated website is in your hands.

Read the Merlot peer review here